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A Predefined Language Environment

One of the main objectives of Ada 95 is to supply a set of supplemental packages of general utility in order to promote portability and reusability. Several packages are essentially intrinsic to the language (such as Ada.Finalization) and are discussed in Part Two. This chapter explains the main design decisions behind the packages described in Annex A of [RM95]. It should be noted that input-output which appeared in chapter 14 of the Ada 83 reference manual [ANSI 83, ISO 87] now appears in Annex A. This move is designed to emphasize that input-output is just one of many facilities provided by the predefined environment and is not really an intrinsic part of the language.

As mentioned in II.13, the predefined library is structured into three packages, Ada, Interfaces and System which can be thought of as child packages of Standard. The main reason for the restructuring is to avoid contamination of the top level name space and consequent risk of clashes with library units defined by the user.

The package System concerns intrinsic facilities associated with the target machine and with storage management and is discussed in Chapter 13. The package Interfaces concerns communication with systems in other languages and also the interface to hardware numeric types. All other predefined packages including input-output are children of Ada.

The major additions to the predefined environment compared with Ada 83 are as follows:

In order to avoid incompatibility problems, renamings are provided for packages existing in Ada 83 such as

   with Ada.Text_IO;
   package Text_IO renames Ada.Text_IO;

These renamings are considered obsolescent and thus liable to be removed at the next revision of the language.

A.1 Character Handling

Ada 95 provides an empty parent package Ada.Characters with two children: a package of character categorization and conversion subprograms, Characters.Handling, and a child package of constants, Characters.Latin_1, corresponding to the values of type Character. The intent is to provide basic character handling facilities, similar in scope to the contents of the standard C library header [Plauger 92].

The following were the major issues concerning the design of this package:

We had considered declaring the character handling subprograms directly in the package Ada.Characters. However, with such an approach there was some concern that an application needing access only to the constants in Characters.Latin_1 would incur a code-space penalty if the subprograms in the parent package were bound into the application. Placing the subprograms in a child package addresses this concern.

A.1.1 Classification Functions

A preliminary design of the character handling package was based heavily on C's . Although some of the classification functions are directly applicable, such as testing if a character is a digit, or testing if it is a letter, it was soon apparent that the C model was not completely appropriate for Ada 95. The main issue is that Ada 95, unlike C, has Latin-1 as its default standard character type. Thus the categorization functions such as ispunct(c) and isspace(c) would have no standard meaning in Latin-1. Moreover, relies on the C approach to locale, which is rather complicated and has not been adopted by Ada 95.

The categorization functions in Characters.Handling are designed to reflect more the properties of Latin-1 than the heritage of . Most of the categorizations form a hierarchy:

Supplementing these are further categories; for example a basic character (one without diacritical marks), a hexadecimal digit, and an ISO_646 character (whose position is in the range 0..127).

A.1.2 Wide_Character Handling

There is a single classification function for Wide_Character, namely a test if a value is within the Character subset of the type. We had considered providing additional classification functions for Wide_Character, but this would be premature since there is no widespread agreement on how such functions might be defined.

The Characters.Handling package provides a conversion from Wide_Character to Character, and from Wide_String to String, that leaves a Character value unchanged and that replaces a value outside the Character range with a (programmer-specifiable) value inside this range.

A.1.3 Package of Character Names

The Ada 83 package Standard.ASCII declares a set of constants for the control characters (those whose positions are in the range 0 .. 31, and also the character at position 127), the lower-case letters, and some of the other graphic characters. The contents of this package are a rather uneven mixture, and different motivations led to the inclusion of different parts. The constants corresponding to the control characters are needed, since otherwise references to such characters would have to be in terms of Character'Val(number), which is not in the spirit of the language. It is accepted practice to use ASCII.Nul, ASCII.CR, and ASCII.LF in Ada programs.

On the other hand, the inclusion of constants for the lower-case letters is principally a concession to the fact that, in the early 1980's, the input devices used in some environments did not support upper-case characters. To simulate a string literal such as "Abc" the programmer can write "A" & ASCII.LC_B & ASCII.LC_C.

For Ada 95, the issues were what to do about the package Standard.ASCII, and what to do about names of the characters in the "upper half" (those whose positions are in the range 128 .. 255).

Part of the problem surrounding Standard.ASCII is due to the fact that the name "ASCII" now no longer refers to a 7-bit character set, but rather to ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1). Thus perhaps the most consistent approach would be to add to Standard.ASCII the declarations of names for "upper half" characters, and to introduce renamings where relevant in order to be consistent with ISO nomenclature (for example, Reverse_Solidus as a renaming of Back_Slash). However, this would have the significant disadvantage of introducing a large number of declarations into Standard. Even though they would be in an inner package (and thus not pollute the user's namespace), there was concern that such a specialized package would be out of place if included in package Standard.

These considerations led to the declaration of the child package Characters.Latin_1. This package includes names of the control characters from ISO 646 (the same names as in Standard.ASCII), the graphic characters from ISO 646 excepting the upper case letters and the decimal digits, the control characters from ISO 6429, and the graphic characters in the "upper half". The names of the graphics are based on Latin-1; hence Number_Sign for '#', as opposed to Sharp as in Standard.ASCII. Since Characters.Latin_1 is in the predefined environment, it must be supported by all implementations.

Although there is some overlap between Characters.Latin_1 and Standard.ASCII, we expect that new Ada 95 programs will refer to the former, whereas existing Ada 83 code that is being moved intact to Ada 95 will continue to use the latter. In fact, the main reason to retain Standard.ASCII at all is for upward compatibility; removing it from the language would have been a major incompatibility and was not a realistic design alternative. Instead, it is specified as an obsolescent feature and its declaration appears in [RM95 J].

We recognize that names such as Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Nul are notationally rather heavy. However, we expect that users will typically provide renamings (either at the library level or as local declarations) such as

   package Latin_1 renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
and thus in practice the references will be of the more palatable form Latin_1.Nul.

A.1.4 Character Set Localization

Although the language standard dictates Latin-1 as the contents of type Character, an implementation has permission to supply an alternative set specific to the locale or environment. For example, an eastern European implementation may define the type Character based on ISO 8859, Part 2 (Latin-2); a personal computer implementation may define the type Character as the native PC character set. Of course with such adaptations an Ada program might no longer be portable, but in some environments the ability to exploit the characteristics of the local environment is more important than the ability to move a program between different environments. In fact the explicit permission for a validated compiler to perform such localizations is not new in Ada 95 but applies also to Ada 83 based on a non-binding interpretation of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 WG9 Ada [ISO WG9 93].

An implication of such localization is that the semantics of the classification and conversion functions in the Characters.Handling package depends on the definition of Character. For example, the result of Is_Letter(Character'Val(16#F7#)) is false for Latin-1 (this character is the division sign) but is true for Latin/Cyrillic.

A.2 String Handling

Many languages support string handling either directly via data types and operations or through standard supplemental library functions. Ada 83 provided the framework for a solution, through discriminated record types and access types, but the absence of a standard set of string handling services has proved a barrier to portability. To solve this problem, Ada 95 includes a set of packages for string handling that need to be supplied by all implementations.

A.2.1 Categories of Strings

We can divide string data structures into three categories based on their flexibility and associated storage management:

In practice the storage allocation performed by the compiler may vary from the "natural" method mentioned. For example, if the length of a fixed-length string, or the maximum length of a bounded-length string, exceeds some threshold value then the compiler may choose to place the object on the heap, with automatic reclamation when the object becomes inaccessible. This may be done because of target machine addressing constraints or (for bounded-length strings with a prohibitively large maximum size) as a means to economize on storage usage.

Ada 95 supplies packages for each of these categories, for both the predefined types String and Wide_String. For fixed-length strings the type is the specific type String or Wide_String. For the other two categories, a private type is supplied (see below) since it is important for purposes of data abstraction to avoid exposing the representation. Each of the three packages supplies a set of string-handling subprograms. The bounded- and unbounded-length string packages also supply conversion and selection functions; these are needed because the type is private.

A.2.2 Operations on Strings

Operations on strings fall into several categories. This section summarizes the various operations that are provided, and notes the semantic issues that arise based on whether the strings are fixed-, bounded-, or unbounded-length.


Literals are available for fixed-length strings; for bounded- and unbounded-length strings we need conversion functions (String to/from Bounded_String and also to/from Unbounded_String).

The conversion function from String to Bounded_String illustrates a point that comes up in other contexts when constructing a bounded string: suppose the length of the result exceeds the maximum length of the bounded string? We let the user control the behavior through a parameter to the constructor function. The default effect is to raise an exception (Strings.Length_Error), but the user can also establish truncation of extra characters either on the right or left.

Concatenation is available automatically for fixed-length strings, and explicit overloadings are provided for bounded and unbounded strings. Note that since the operator form for concatenation of bounded length strings does not offer a possibility for the user to control the behavior if the result length exceeds the bounded string type's maximum length, we provide also a set of Append functions taking an explicit parameter dictating truncation versus raising an exception. The operator form will raise an exception if the result length exceeds the type's maximum length.

For bounded and unbounded strings, there is the question of how many overloaded versions to supply for the concatenation functions. For convenience we allow concatenation of a Bounded_String with either a Character, a String, or another Bounded_String, returning a Bounded_String result, and analogously for Unbounded_String. We decided against allowing the concatenation of two fixed-length strings return a Bounded_String (or an Unbounded_String), since such an overloading would render ambiguous a statement such as

   B := S1 & S2 & S3;
where S1, S2 and S3 are of type String and B is of type Bounded_String.

If it is necessary to convert between a bounded and an unbounded string, this can be done by producing a String as an intermediate result.

Replication operations are also provided to construct string values. For each of the three string categories a "*" operator is supplied with left operand of subtype Natural and right operand either a Character, a String, or (for bounded and unbounded strings) a value of the corresponding string type. The result is of the string type. For example:

      Alpha, Beta : Unbounded_String;
      Alpha := 3 * 'A';     -- To_String(Alpha) = "AAA"
      Alpha := 2 * Alpha;   -- To_String(Alpha) = "AAAAAA"
      Beta  := 2 * "Abc";   -- To_String(Beta)  = "AbcAbc"


The issue in copying is what to do when the source and target lengths differ; this is only a concern in the fixed-length case. For bounded strings the ":=" operation always works: the source and target have identical maximum lengths, so assignment simply copies the source to the target. For unbounded strings the ":=" operation does the necessary storage management through Adjust and Finalize operations to allocate needed space for the new value of the target and to reclaim the space previously occupied by the object.

Our model, based on COBOL, is that a fixed-length string comprises significant contents together with padding. The pad characters may appear either on the right or left (or both); this is useful for report output fields. Parameters to the Move procedure allow the programmer to control the effect. When a shorter string is copied to a longer string, pad characters are supplied as filler, and the Justify parameter guides where the source characters are placed. When a longer string is copied to a shorter string, the programmer establishes whether the extra characters are to be dropped from the left or the right, or if an exception should be raised when a non-pad character is dropped.


Component selection is not an issue for fixed-length strings, since indexing and slicing are directly available. For both bounded and unbounded strings, we supply subprograms to select and replace a single element, and to select and replace a slice.

Ordering relations

For fixed-length strings the predefined ordering and equality operators are appropriate, but for both the bounded and unbounded string types we provide explicit overloadings. Note that if the implementation chooses to represent bounded strings with a maximum-length array and an index for the current length (see A.2.5 for further discussion), then predefined assignment has the desired effect but predefined equality does not, since it would check the "junk" characters in the string beyond the logical length.

The ordering operators return a result based on the values of corresponding characters; Thus for example the string "ZZZ" is less than the string "aa". Anything more sophisticated would have been out of scope and in any event is dependent on local cultural conventions.

Searching and pattern matching

Each of the string handling packages provides subprograms to scan a string for a pattern (Index, Count) or for characters inside or outside specified sets (Index_Non_Blank, Index, and Find_Token). The profiles for each of these subprograms is the same in the three packages, except for the type of the source string (String, Bounded_String, or Unbounded_String).

A design issue was how to arrange that pattern matches be case insensitive, or in general to reflect user-defined character equivalences. Our approach is to supply to each pattern matching function a parameter that specifies a character equivalence. By default the equivalence mapping is the identity relation, but the programmer can override this via an explicit parameter of type Strings.Maps.Character_Mapping.

Although Index_Non_Blank is redundant, it is included since searching for blanks is such a common operation.

Find_Token is at a somewhat higher level than the other subprograms. We have supplied this procedure since it is extremely useful for simple lexical analysis such as parsing a line of interactively supplied input text.

String transformation

As with the searching and pattern matching subprograms, we supply the same functionality for string transformations in each of the three string handling packages.

A common need is to translate a string via a character translation table. The Translate function satisfies this goal. The procedural form of Translate is included for efficiency, to avoid the extra copying that may be required for function returns.

The other string transformation subprograms are Replace_Slice, Insert, Overwrite, Delete, and Trim. These are not necessarily length preserving.

We had considered including a subprogram to replace all occurrences of a pattern with a given string but ultimately decided in the interest of simplicity to leave this out. It can be written in terms of the supplied operations if needed (see the example in A.2.8).

A.2.3 General Design Decisions

Independent of the functionality provided, several fundamental design questions arose: whether to make the packages generic (with respect to character and string type) or specific to the types in Standard; how to organize the packages (hierarchically or as siblings); and whether to define the string-returning operations as functions, procedures, or both.

Generic vs non-generic form of packages

String handling needs to be provided for the predefined String and Wide_String types, and it is also useful for strings of elements from user-supplied character types. For these reasons it seems desirable to have a generic version of the string handling packages, with language- defined instantiations for Character and String and also for Wide_Character and Wide_String. In fact, an earlier version of the packages adopted this approach, but we subsequently decided to provide non-generic forms instead.

There are several reasons for this decision. First, although the specifications for the packages for handling Character and Wide_Character strings might be the same, the implementations would be different. Second, the generic form would be rather complicated, a pedagogical issue for users and a practical issue for implementations.

Structure of packages

In order to minimize the number of language-defined names for immediate children of the root package Ada, the string handling packages form a hierarchy. The ancestor unit, Ada.Strings, declares the types and exceptions common to the other packages. The package Strings.Maps declares the types and related entities for the various data representations needed by the other packages. Strings.Fixed, Strings.Bounded, and Strings.Unbounded provide the entities for fixed- length, bounded-length, and unbounded-length strings, respectively. The package Strings.Maps.Constants declares Character_Set constants corresponding to the character classification functions in the package Characters, as well as Character_Mapping constants that can be used in pattern matching and string transformations. There are analogous packages Strings.Wide_Maps, Strings.Wide_Fixed, Strings.Wide_Bounded, Strings.Wide_Unbounded, and Strings.Wide_Maps.Constants, for Wide_String handling.

Procedures vs functions

The subprograms that deliver string results can be defined either as functions or as procedures. The functional notation is perhaps more pleasant stylistically but typically involves extra copying. The procedural form, with an in out parameter that is updated "in place", is generally more efficient but can lead to a heavy-looking style.

Our solution is to provide both forms for all three string-handling packages. Although this increases the size of the packages, the benefits are an increase in flexibility for the programmer, and a regularity in the structure of the packages that should make them easier to use.

A.2.4 Strings.Maps

The package Strings.Maps defines the types for representing sets of characters and character-to-character mappings, for the types Character and String. A corresponding package, Strings.Wide_Maps, provides the same functionality for the types Wide_Character and Wide_String.

The type Character_Set represents sets of Character values that are to be passed to the string handling subprograms. We considered several alternative declarations for Character_Set:

A visible constrained array type is the traditional representation of a set of values from a discrete type; in the case of Character it would be:

   type Character_Set is array (Character) of Boolean;
   pragma Pack(Character_Set);

However, this has several disadvantages. First, it would differ from the choice of representations for a set of Wide_Character values, in the package Strings.Wide_Maps; in the latter package a constrained array type is not a realistic decision, since an overhead of 2**16 (64K) bits for each set would be excessive. Second, even 256 bits may be more than is desirable for small sets, and a more compact representation might be useful.

An unconstrained array of Booleans addresses the second issue:

   type Character_Set is array (Character range <>) of Boolean;
   pragma Pack(Character_Set);

In this version, an object CS of type Character_Set represents the set comprising each character C in CS'Range such that CS(C) is true; any character outside CS'Range is implicitly regarded as not being in the set, and of course any character C in CS'Range such that CS(C) is false is regarded as not being in the set. Thus, for example, the empty set is represented by a null Character_Set array (as well as by many other Character_Set values).

The unconstrained array approach was used in earlier versions of the string handling packages, since it is more efficient in storage than the constrained array approach. However, we ultimately decided against this approach, for several reasons.

The private type approach is much more in the spirit of Ada and allows the implementation, rather than requiring the language, to make the choice of representations for Character_Set. Note that a simple private type (i.e., one without unknown discriminants) is not allowed to have an unconstrained type as its full declaration. Thus if we want to allow some flexibility (rather than just imposing a private type interface on what is certain to be a constrained array type declaration as the full type declaration) we should allow the possibility of having the full declaration be an access type whose designated type is an unconstrained array of Booleans. To do this, we need to compromise the goal of having a pure package (since access types are not permitted in a pure package); instead, we simply make the package preelaborable.

A private type with an unknown discriminant part might seem like a more direct way to allow the unconstrained-array-of-Booleans as the full declaration, but it suffers from a major portability flaw. If Set_1 and Set_2 are objects of type Character_Set, and Character_Set is a private type with an unknown discriminant part, then the assignment Set_1 := Set_2; may or may not raise Constraint_Error, depending on what the implementation chooses for the full type declaration.

As a result of these considerations, we have declared Character_Set as a private type, without an unknown discriminant part, and have specified the package as just preelaborable rather than pure in order to allow the implementation to use an access type in the full declaration of Character_Set.

A consequence of declaring Character_Set as private is that constructor functions are needed for composing Character_Set values. We have provided several such functions, each named To_Set. Since it is often convenient to have a set containing a single character, or exactly those characters appearing in some array, we have overloaded To_Set to take either a parameter of type Character or of type Character_Sequence (the latter is in fact just a subtype with the effect of renaming String). It is also useful to compose a set out of one or more character ranges, and hence we have supplied the appropriate additional overloadings of To_Set. In the other direction, it is useful to get a "concrete" representation of a set as either a set of ranges or a character sequence, and hence we have provided the corresponding functions.

Although introducing the name Character_Sequence is not strictly necessary (the name String would be equivalent), the style of having a subtype as effectively a renaming of an existing (sub)type makes the intent explicit.

Other languages that supply string handling functions represent character sets directly as character sequences as opposed to boolean arrays; for example, the functions in the C standard header . This was considered for the Ada 95 packages but rejected in the interest of efficiency.

Another type declared by Strings.Maps is Character_Mapping, which represents a mapping from one Character value to another. For the same reasons underlying the choice of a private type for Character_Set, we have also declared Character_Mapping as private. A typical choice for a full type declaration would be:

   type Character_Mapping is array (Character) of Character;
with the obvious interpretation; if CM is a Character_Mapping and C is a character, then CM(C) is the character to which C maps under the mapping CM.

Character mappings are used in two contexts:

As an example of the use of the Character_Mapping type, the constant Lower_Case_Map (declared in Strings.Maps.Constants) maps each letter to the corresponding lower case letter and maps each other character to itself. The following finds the first occurrence of the pattern string "gerbil" in a source string S, independent of case:

   Index(Source  => S,
         Pattern => "gerbil",
         Going   => Forward,
         Mapping => Strings.Maps.Constants.Lower_Case_Map)

A character C matches a pattern character P with respect to the Character_Mapping value Map if Map(C)=P. Thus the user needs to ensure that a pattern string comprises only characters occurring in the range of the mapping. (Passing as a pattern the string "GERBIL" would always fail for the mapping Lower_Case_Map.) An earlier version of the string packages had a more symmetric definition for matching; namely C matched P if Map(C) = Map(P). However, this yielded some counterintuitive effects and has thus been changed.

There is another possible representation for mappings, namely an access value denoting a function whose domain and range are the character type in question. This would be useful where the domain and range are very large sets, and in fact is used in the string handling packages for Wide_Character and Wide_String. To avoid unnecessary differences between the String and Wide_String packages, we have supplied the analogous access-to-subprogram type in Strings.Maps:

   type Character_Mapping_Function is
      access function (From : in Character) return Character;

Each subprogram that takes a Character_Mapping parameter is overloaded with a version that takes a Character_Mapping_Function. In an earlier version of the string handling packages, the access-to-subprogram type was provided for Wide_String handling but not for String handling, since we were striving to make the latter pure. However, since the package has had to compromise purity for other reasons as described above, there was no longer a compelling reason to leave out the character mapping function type.

A.2.5 Bounded-Length Strings

The major decisions for bounded-length strings were (1) whether the type should be private or not, and (2) whether to realize the maximum length as a discriminant or, instead, as a generic formal parameter.

There are two main reasons to declare a type as private as opposed to non-private:

Both of these apply to Bounded_String; hence it is appropriate for the type to be declared as private.

There are two principal ways to represent a varying- (but bounded-) length string, assuming that access types are to be avoided. One is to supply the maximum length as a discriminant constraint, thus allowing different objects of the same type to have different maximum lengths. The other approach is to supply the maximum length at the instantiation of a generic package declaring a bounded string type, implying that objects with different maximum lengths must be of different types. We thus have the following basic approaches:

   package Discriminated_Bounded_Length is
      type Bounded_String(Max_Length : Positive) is private;
      function Length(Item : Bounded_String) return Natural;
      type Bounded_String(Max_Length : Positive) is
            Length : Natural;
            Data   : String(1 .. Max_Length);
         end record;
   end Discriminated_Bounded_Length;
and also the alternative:
      Max : Positive:
   package Generic_Bounded_Length is
      Max_Length : constant Positive := Max;
      subtype Length_Range is Natural range 0 .. Max_Length;

          type Bounded_String is private;

          function Length(Item : Bounded_String)
             return Length_Range;
      type Bounded_String_Internals(Length : Length_Range := 0) is
            Data : String(1 .. Length);
         end record;
      type Bounded_String is
            Data : Bounded_String_Internals;
         end record;
   end Generic_Bounded_Length;

Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages (the reason for the seeming redundancy in the private part of the generic package will be discussed below). If there is an operation that needs to deal with Bounded_String values with different maximum lengths, then the discriminated type approach is simpler. On the other hand, predefined assignment and equality for discriminated Bounded_String do not have the desired behavior. Assignment makes sense when the maximum lengths of source and target are different, as long as the source's current length is no greater than the target's maximum length, yet predefined ":=" would raise Constraint_Error on the discriminant mismatch. User-defined Adjust and Finalize operations do not solve this problem. It would be possible to avoid the difficulty by declaring the type as limited private, but this would result in a very clumsy programming style.

A variation is to declare a discriminated type with a default value for the Max_Length discriminant. An object declared unconstrained can thus be assigned a value with a different maximum length (and a different length). This approach, however, introduces other problems. First, if the object is allocated rather than declared, then its discriminant is in fact constrained (by its default initial value). Second, declaring an appropriate subtype for the discriminant - that is, establishing an appropriate bound for Max_Length - is difficult. If it is too small then the user might not be able to create needed objects. If it is too large, then there will either be a lot of wasted space or else the implementation may use dynamic storage allocation implicitly.

The solution is to let the user establish the maximum length as a parameter at generic instantiation. Such an approach avoids these complications, but has two main drawbacks. First, the programmer will need to perform as many instantiations as there are different maximum lengths to be supported. Second, operations involving varying-length strings of different maximum lengths cannot be defined as part of the same generic package. However, the programmer can get around the first difficulty by providing a small number of instantiations with sufficient maximum size (for example, max lengths of 20 and 80). Either explicit overloadings or generics with formal package instantiations serve to address the second issue. For these reasons we have adopted the generic approach, rather than the discriminant approach, to specifying the maximum length for a varying-length string.

Note that Bounded_String in the generic package is declared without discriminants. Max_Length is established at the generic instantiation, and the Length field is invisible to the user and is set implicitly as part of the effect of the various operations. An alternative would be to declare the type as follows:

   type Bounded_String(Length : Length_Range := 0) is private;
However, this would allow the user to create constrained instances, which defeats the intent of the package. In order to prevent such abuses it is best to leave the Length component hidden from the user [Eachus 92].

A final point of rationale for the Bounded_String generic: the reason for declaring Max_Length, which is simply a constant reflecting the value supplied at the generic instantiation, is to allow the user to refer to the maximum length without keeping track manually of which values were supplied at which instantiations.

A.2.6 Unbounded-Length Strings

Unbounded-length strings need to be implemented via dynamic storage management. In Ada 83, in the absence of automatic garbage collection it was the programmer's responsibility to reclaim storage through unchecked deallocation. Ada 95's facilities for automatically invoked Adjust and Finalize plug this loophole, since the unbounded string type implementor can arrange that storage be reclaimed implicitly, with no need for the user to perform unchecked deallocation.

The main design issue for unbounded strings was whether to expose the type as derived from Finalization.Controlled. That is, the type could be declared either as

   type Unbounded_String is private;
   type Unbounded_String is new Finalization.Controlled with private;

An advantage of the latter approach is that users can further derive from Unbounded_String for richer kinds of data structures, and override the default Finalize and Adjust. However, we have chosen the simpler approach, just making Unbounded_String private. If a more complicated data structure is desired, this can be obtained by including an Unbounded_String as a component.

Besides providing the private type Unbounded_String, the package Strings.Unbounded declares a visible general access type String_Access whose designated type is String. The need for such a type arises often in practice, and so it is appropriate to have it declared in a language- defined package.

The following is a sample implementation of the private part of the package:

      use Finalization;

      Null_String : aliased String := "";

      type Unbounded_String is new Controlled with
            Reference : String_Access := Null_String'Access;
         end record;

      -- No need for Initialize procedure
      procedure Finalize (Object : in out Unbounded_String);
      procedure Adjust   (Object : in out Unbounded_String);

      Null_Unbounded_String : constant Unbounded_String :=
        (Controlled with Reference => Null_String'Access);

   end Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

The following skeletal package body illustrates how several of the subprograms might be implemented.

   with Unchecked_Deallocation;
   package body Strings.Unbounded is
      procedure Free is
         new Unchecked_Deallocation(String, String_Access);

      function To_Unbounded_String(Source : String)
         return Unbounded_String is
         Result_Ref : constant String_Access :=
                             new String(1 .. Source'Length);
         Result_Ref.all := Source;
         return (Finalization.Controlled with Reference => Result_Ref);
      end To_Unbounded_String;

      function To_String(Source : Unbounded_String) return String is
         return Item.Reference.all;
           -- Note: Item.Reference is never null
      end To_String;

      --  In the following subprograms, the Reference component of each
      --  Unbounded_String formal parameter is non-null, because of the
      --  default initialization implied by the type's declaration

      function Length(Source : Unbounded_String) return Natural is
         return Source.Reference.all'Length;
      end Length;

      function "=" (Left, Right : Unbounded_String) return Boolean is
         return Left.Reference.all = Right.Reference.all;
      end "=";

      procedure Finalize(Object : in out Unbounded_String) is
         if Object.Reference /= Null_String'Access then
         end if;
      end Finalize;

      procedure Adjust(Object : in out Unbounded_String);
         --  Copy Object if it is not Null_Unbounded_String
         if Object.Reference /= Null_String'Access then
            Object.Reference := new String'(Object.Reference.all);
         end if;
      end Adjust;

      function "&" (Left, Right : in Unbounded_String)
                    return Unbounded_String is
         Left_Length   : constant Natural := Left.Reference.all'Length;
         Right_Length  : constant Natural := Right.Reference.all'Length;
         Result_Length : constant Natural := Left_Length + Right_Length;
         Result_Ref    : String_Access;
         if Result_Length = 0 then
            return Null_Unbounded_String;
            Result_Ref := new String(1 .. Result_Length);
            Result_Ref.all(1..Left_Length) := Left.Reference.all;
            Result_Ref.all(Left_Length+1..Result_Length) :=
            return (Finalization.Controlled with
                       Reference => Result_Ref);
         end if;
      end "&";
   end Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

A.2.7 Wide String Handling

Since the same functionality is needed for Wide_String as for String, there are child packages of Ada.Strings with analogous contents to those discussed above, but for Wide_Character and Wide_String. The only difference is that some of the type and subprogram names have been adapted to reflect their application to Wide_Character.

As a consequence of providing equivalent functionality for the two cases, we have made it easier for a programmer to modify an application that deals with, say, String data, so that it can work with Wide_String data.

A.2.8 Examples

The function below, which replaces all occurrences of a pattern in a source string, is intended as an illustration of the various string handling operations rather than as a recommended style for solving the problem. A more efficient approach would be to defer creating the result string until after the pattern matches have been performed, thereby avoiding the overhead of allocating and deallocating the intermediate string data at each iteration.

   with Ada.Strings.Maps, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Strings.Fixed;
   use Ada.Strings;
   function Replace_All (Source  : in String;
                         Pattern : in String;
                         By      : in String;
                         Going   : in Direction := Forward;
                         Mapping : in Maps.Character_Mapping :=
                         return String is
      use type Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
      Pattern_Length : constant Natural := Pattern'Length;
      Start          : Natural          := Source'First;
      Result         : Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
      Index          : Natural;
         Index :=
            Fixed.Index(Source(Start .. Source'Last),
                        Pattern, Going, Mapping);
         if Index/=0 then
            Result := Result & Source(Start .. Index-1) & By;
            Start  := Index + Pattern'Length;
            Result := Result & Source(Start .. Source'Last);
            return Unbounded.To_String(Result);
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Replace_All;

The following program fragments show how the string handling subprograms may be used to get the effect of several COBOL INSPECT statement forms.


   Ada 95:  Alpha : String( ... );
            A_Index, Num: Natural;
            A_Index := Index(Alpha, 'A');
            Num     := Count(Alpha(Alpha'First .. A_Index-1), "Z");

            REPLACING ALL "A" BY "G", "B" BY "H"
            BEFORE INITIAL "X".

   Ada 95:  Alpha   : String( ... );
            X_Index : Natural;
            My_Map  : Character_Mapping :=
                         To_Mapping(From => "AB", To=>"GH");
            X_Index := Index(Alpha, 'X');
            Translate(Source  => Alpha(Alpha'First .. X_Index -1),
                      Mapping => My_Map);

A.3 Numerics Packages and Attributes

Ada 95 includes in the predefined environment several child packages of Ada.Numerics, and the language also provides a comprehensive set of representation-oriented, model-oriented, and primitive-function attributes for real types.

The package Ada.Numerics itself defines the named numbers Pi and e, as well as an exception (Argument_Error) shared by several of its children.

The constants Pi and e are defined for the convenience of mathematical applications. The WG9 Numerics Rapporteur Group did not define these constants in the secondary numeric standards for Ada 83 [ISO 94a], primarily because it could not decide whether to define a minimal set (as has now been done in Ada 95) or a much larger set of mathematical and physical constants. Ada 95 implementations are required to provide Pi and e to at least 50 decimal places; this exceeds by a comfortable margin the highest precision available on present-day computers.

The Argument_Error exception is raised when a function in a child of Numerics is given an actual parameter whose value is outside the domain of the corresponding mathematical function.

The child packages of Ada.Numerics are Generic_Elementary_Functions and its non-generic equivalents, Float_Random and Discrete_Random (see A.3.2); Generic_Complex_Types and its non-generic equivalents (see G.1.1); Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions and its non-generic equivalents (see G.1.2).

A.3.1 Elementary Functions

The elementary functions are critical to a wide variety of scientific and engineering applications written in Ada. They have been widely provided in the past as vendor extensions, but the lack of a standardized interface, variations in the use or avoidance of generics, differences in the set of functions provided, and absence of guaranteed accuracy have hindered the portability and the analysis of programs. These impediments are removed by including the elementary functions in the predefined language environment.

The elementary functions are provided in Ada 95 by a generic package, Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions, which is a very slight variation of the generic package, Generic_Elementary_Functions, defined in [ISO 94a] for Ada 83.

In addition, Ada 95 provides non-generic equivalent packages for each of the predefined floating point types, so as to facilitate the writing of scientific applications by programmers whose experience in other languages leads them to select the precision they desire by choosing an appropriate predefined floating point type. The non-generic equivalent packages have names as follows

   Numerics.Elementary_Functions        -- for Float
   Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions   -- for Long_Float
and so on.

These nongeneric equivalents behave just like instances of the generic packages except that they may not be used as actual package parameters as in the example in 12.6.

A vendor may, in fact, provide the non-generic equivalent packages by instantiating the generic, but more likely they will be obtained by hand- tailoring and optimizing the text of the generic package for each of the predefined floating point types, resulting in better performance.

The Argument_Error exception is raised, for example, when the Sqrt function in Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions is given a negative actual parameter. In [ISO 94a] and related draft secondary standards for Ada 83, Argument_Error was declared in each generic package as a renaming of an exception of the same name defined in a (non-generic) package called Elementary_Functions_Exceptions; in Ada 95, the children of Numerics do not declare Argument_Error, even as a renaming. In Ada 83, simple applications that declare problem-dependent floating point types might look like this:

   with Generic_Elementary_Functions;
   procedure Application is
      type My_Type is digits ...;
      package My_Elementary_Functions is
         new Generic_Elementary_Functions(My_Type);
      use My_Elementary_Functions;
      X : My_Type;
      ... Sqrt(X) ...
      when Argument_Error =>
   end Application;

In Ada 95, they will look almost the same, the essential difference being the addition of context clauses for Ada.Numerics:

   with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
   with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
   procedure Application is
      type My_Type is digits ...;
      package My_Elementary_Functions is
         new Generic_Elementary_Functions(My_Type);
      use My_Elementary_Functions;
      X : My_Type;
      ... Sqrt(X) ...
      when Argument_Error =>
   end Application;

The benefit of the Ada 95 approach can be appreciated when one contemplates what happens when a second problem-dependent type and a second instantiation of Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions are added to the application. There are no surprises in Ada 95, where one would write the following:

   with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
   with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
   procedure Application is
      type My_Type_1 is digits ...;
      type My_Type_2 is digits ...;
      package My_Elementary_Functions_1 is
         new Generic_Elementary_Functions(My_Type_1);
      package My_Elementary_Functions_2 is
         new Generic_Elementary_Functions(My_Type_2);
      use My_Elementary_Functions_1, My_Elementary_Functions_2;
      X : My_Type_1;
      Y : My_Type_2;
      ... Sqrt(X) ...
      ... Sqrt(Y) ...
      when Argument_Error =>
   end Application;

If one were to extend the Ada 83 example with a second problem-dependent type and a second instantiation, one would be surprised to discover that direct visibility of Argument_Error is lost (because both instances declare that name, and the declarations are not overloadable [RM95 8.4(11)]). To regain direct visibility, one would have to add to the application a renaming declaration for Argument_Error.

The functions provided in Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions are the standard square root function (Sqrt), the exponential function (Exp), the logarithm function (Log), the forward trigonometric functions (Sin, Cos, Tan, and Arctan), the inverse trigonometric functions (Arcsin, Arccos, Arctan, and Arccot), the forward hyperbolic functions (Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, and Coth), and the inverse hyperbolic functions (Arcsinh, Arccosh, Arctanh, and Arccoth). In addition, an overloading of the exponentiation operator is provided for a pair of floating point operands.

Two overloadings of the Log function are provided. Without a Base parameter, this function computes the natural (or Napierian) logarithm, i.e. the logarithm to the base e, which is the inverse of the exponential function. By specifying the Base parameter, which is the second parameter, one can compute logarithms to an arbitrary base. For example,

   Log(U)                     -- natural logarithm of U
   Log(U, 10.0)               -- common (base 10) logarithm of U
   Log(U, 2.0)                -- log of U to the base 2

Two overloadings of each of the trigonometric functions are also provided. Without a Cycle parameter, the functions all imply a natural cycle of 2*pi, which means that angles are measured in radians. By specifying the Cycle parameter, one can measure angles in other units. For example,

   Sin(U)                     -- sine of U (U measured in radians)
   Cos(U, 360.0)              -- cosine of U (U measured in degrees)
   Arctan(U, Cycle => 6400.0) -- angle (in mils) whose tangent is U
   Arccot(U, Cycle => 400.0)  -- angle (in grads) whose cotangent is U

Cycle is the second parameter of all the trigonometric functions except Arctan and Arccot, for which it is the third. The first two parameters of Arctan are named Y and X, respectively; for Arccot, they are named X and Y. The first parameter of each of the remaining trigonometric functions is named X. A ratio whose arctangent or arccotangent is to be found is specified by giving its numerator and denominator separately, except that the denominator can be omitted, in which case it defaults to 1.0. The separate specification of numerator and denominator, which of course is motivated by the Fortran ATAN2 function, allows infinite ratios (i.e., those having a denominator of zero) to be expressed; these, of course, have a perfectly well-defined and finite arctangent or arccotangent, which lies on one of the axes. Thus,

   Arctan(U, V)            -- angle (in radians) whose tangent is U/V
   Arccot(U, V)            -- angle (in radians) whose cotangent is U/V
   Arctan(U)               -- angle (in radians) whose tangent is U
   Arctan(U, V, 360.0)     -- angle (in degrees) whose tangent is U/V)
   Arctan(1.0, 0.0, 360.0) -- 90.0 (degrees)

The result of Arctan or Arccot is always in the quadrant (or on the axis) containing the point (X, Y), even when the defaultable formal parameter takes its default value; that of Arcsin is always in the quadrant (or on the axis) containing the point (1.0, X), while that of Arccos is always in the quadrant (or on the axis) containing the point (X, 1.0).

Given that the constant Pi is defined in Numerics, one might wonder why the two overloadings of each trigonometric function have not been combined into a single version, with a Cycle parameter having a default value of 2.0*Numerics.Pi. The reason is that computing the functions with natural cycle by using the value of Numerics.Pi cannot provide the accuracy required of implementations conforming to the Numerics Annex, as discussed below. Since Numerics.Pi is necessarily a finite approximation of an irrational (nay, transcendental) value, such an implementation would actually compute the functions for a slightly different cycle, with the result that cumulative "phase shift" errors many cycles from the origin would be intolerable. Even relatively near the origin, the relative error near zeros of the functions would be excessive. An implementation that conforms to the accuracy requirements of the Numerics Annex will use rather different strategies to compute the functions relative to the implicit, natural cycle of 2*pi as opposed to an explicit cycle given exactly by the user. (In particular, an implementation of the former that simply invokes the latter with a cycle of 2.0*Numerics.Pi will not conform to the Numerics Annex.)

Similar considerations form the basis for providing the natural logarithm function as a separate overloading, with an implicit base, rather than relying on the version with a base parameter and a default value of Numerics.e for that parameter.

In an early draft of Ada 95, the overloading of the exponentiation operator for a pair of floating point operands had parameter names of X and Y, following the style adopted for the other subprograms in Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions. It was subsequently deemed important for new overloadings of existing arithmetic operators to follow the precedent of using Left and Right for the names of their parameters, as in Ada 83.

The exponentiation operator is noteworthy in another respect. Instead of delivering 1.0 as one might expect by analogy with 0.0**0, the expression 0.0**0.0 is defined to raise Numerics.Argument_Error. This is because 0.0**0.0 is mathematically undefined, and indeed x**y can approach any value as x and y approach zero, depending on precisely how x and y approach zero. If X and Y could both be zero when an application evaluates X**Y, it seems best to require the application to decide in advance what it means and what the result should be. An application can do that by defining its own exponentiation operator, which would

The local exponentiation operator can be inlined, if the extra level of subprogram linkage would be of concern.

The Ada 95 version uses Float_Type'Base as a type mark in declarations; this was not available in Ada 83. Thus the formal parameter types and result types of the functions are of the unconstrained (base) subtype of the generic formal type Float_Type, eliminating the possibility of range violations at the interface. The same feature can be used for local variables in implementations of Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (if it is programmed in Ada) to avoid spurious exceptions caused by range violations on assignments to local variables having the precision of Float_Type. Thus, in contrast to [ISO 94a] there is no need to allow implementations to impose the restriction that the generic actual subtype must be an unconstrained subtype; implementations must allow any floating point subtype as the generic actual subtype, and they must be immune to the potential effects of any range constraint of that subtype.

Implementations in hardware sometimes do not meet the desired accuracy requirements [Tang 91] because the representation of pi contained on the hardware chip has insufficient precision. To allow users to choose between fast (but sometimes inaccurate) versions of the elementary functions implemented in hardware and slightly slower versions fully conforming to realistic accuracy requirements, we introduced the concept of a pair of modes, "strict" and "relaxed". No accuracy requirements apply in the relaxed mode, or if the Numerics Annex is not supported. (These modes govern all numeric accuracy issues, not just those connected with the elementary functions.)

The accuracy requirements of the strict mode are not trivial to meet, but neither are they particularly burdensome; their feasibility has been demonstrated in a public-domain implementation using table-driven techniques. However, it should be noted that most vendors of serious mathematical libraries, including the hardware vendors, are now committing themselves to implementations that are fully accurate throughout the domain, since practical software techniques for achieving that accuracy are becoming more widely known. The accuracy requirements in Ada 95 are not as stringent as those which vendors are now striving to achieve.

Certain results (for example, the exponential of zero) are prescribed to be exact, even in the relaxed mode, because of the frequent occurrence of the corresponding degenerate cases in calculations and because they are inexpensively provided. Also, although the accuracy is implementation-defined in relaxed mode, nothing gives an implementation license to raise a spurious exception when an intermediate result overflows but the final result does not. Thus, implementations of the forward hyperbolic functions need to be somewhat more sophisticated than is suggested by the usual textbook formulae that compute them in terms of exponentials.

An implementation that accommodates signed zeros, such as one on IEEE hardware (where Float_Type'Signed_Zeros is true), is required to exploit them in several important contexts, in particular the signs of the zero results from the "odd" functions Sin, Tan, and their inverses and hyperbolic analogs, at the origin, and the sign of the half-cycle result from Arctan and Arccot; this follows a recommendation [Kahan 87] that provides important benefits for complex elementary functions built upon the real elementary functions, and for applications in conformal mapping. Exploitation of signed zeros at the many other places where the elementary functions can return zero results is left implementation- defined, since no obvious guidelines exist for these cases.

A.3.2 Random Number Generation

The capability of generating random numbers is required for many applications. It is especially common in simulations, even when other aspects of floating point computation are not heavily stressed. Indeed, some applications of random numbers have no need at all for floating point computation. For these reasons, Ada 95 provides in the predefined language environment a package, Numerics.Float_Random, that defines types and operations for generating random floating point numbers uniformly distributed over the range 0.0 .. 1.0 and a generic package, Numerics.Discrete_Random, that defines types and operations for generating uniformly distributed random values of a discrete subtype specified by the user.

As a simple example, various values of a simulated uniform risk could be generated by writing

   use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
   Risk: Float range 0.0 .. 1.0;
   G: Generator;
      Risk := Random(G);   -- a new value for risk
   end loop;

It has been the custom in other languages (for example, Fortran 90) to provide only a generator of uniformly distributed random floating point numbers and to standardize the range to 0.0 .. 1.0. Usually it is also stated that the value 1.0 is never generated, although values as close to 1.0 as the hardware permits may be generated. Sometimes the value 0.0 is excluded from the range instead, or in addition. The user who requires random floating point numbers uniformly distributed in some other range or having some other distribution, or who requires uniformly distributed random integers, is required to figure out and implement a conversion of what the language provides to the type and range desired. Although some conversion techniques are robust with respect to whether 0.0 or 1.0 can occur, others might fail to stay within the desired range, or might even raise an exception, should these extreme values be generated; with a user-designed conversion, there is also a risk of introducing bias into the distribution.

The random number facility designed for Ada 95 initially followed the same custom. However, concerns about the potential difficulties of user- designed post-generation conversion, coupled with the assertion that the majority of applications for random numbers actually need random integers, led to the inclusion of a capability for generating uniformly distributed random integers directly. The provision of that capability also allows for potentially more efficient implementations of integer generators, because it gives designs that can stay in the integer domain the freedom to do so.

Thus a random integer in the range 1 to 49 inclusive can be generated by

   subtype Lotto is Integer range 1 .. 49;
   package Lottery is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Lotto);
   use Lottery;
   G: Generator;
   Number: Lotto;
      Number := Random(G);   -- next number for lottery ticket
   end loop;

The use of generics to parameterize the integer range desired seemed obvious and appropriate, because most applications for random integers need a sequence of values in some fixed, problem-dependent subtype. As an alternative or a potential addition, we considered specifying the range dynamically on each call for a random number; this would have been convenient for those applications that require a random integer from a different range on each call. Reasoning that such applications are rare, we left their special needs to be addressed by using the floating point generator, coupled with post-generation conversion to the dynamically varying integer range. Help for the occasional user who faces the need to perform such a conversion is provided by a note in the reference manual, which describes a robust conversion technique [RM95 A.5.2(50..52)].

Note that the parameter of Discrete_Random can be of any discrete subtype and so one can easily obtain random Boolean values, random characters, random days of the week and so on.

Once the potential conversion problems had been solved by the combination of providing a generic discrete generator and documenting a robust conversion technique for the small number of applications that cannot use the generic generator, some of the pressure on the floating point generator was relieved. In particular, it was no longer necessary to specify that it must avoid generating 0.0 or 1.0. The floating point generator is allowed to yield any value in its range, which can be described as the range 0.0 .. 1.0 without further qualification. Of course, some implementations may be incapable of generating 0.0 or 1.0, but the user does not need to know that and would be better off not knowing it (portability could be compromised by exploiting knowledge that a particular implementation of the random number generator cannot deliver one or both bounds of the range). A note in the reference manual [RM95 A.5.2(52..54)] discusses ways of transforming the result of the floating point generator, using the Log function, into exponentially distributed random floating point numbers, illustrating a technique that avoids the Argument_Error exception that Log would raise when the value of its parameter is zero.


With the obvious exception of the result subtype, the two predefined packages declare the same types and operations, thereby simplifying their description and use. In the remainder of this section, we therefore discuss the contents of the packages without (in most cases) naming one or the other.

Applications vary widely in their requirements for random number generation. Global floating point and discrete random number generators would suffice for most applications, but more demanding applications require multiple generators (either one in each of several tasks or several in one task), with each generator giving rise to a different sequence of random numbers. For this reason, we provide in both packages a type called Generator, each of whose objects is associated with a distinct sequence of random numbers.

Operations on generators, such as obtaining the "next" random number from the associated sequence, are provided by subprograms that take an object of type Generator as a parameter. Applications requiring multiple generators can declare the required number of objects of type Generator in the tasks where they are needed. The mechanism is simple enough, however, not to be burdensome for applications requiring only a single global generator, which can be declared in the main program or in a library package.

(We entertained the idea of also having an implicit generator, which would be used when the Generator parameter is omitted from an operation on generators. This idea was abandoned, however, when agreement could not be reached on the question of whether the implicit generator should be local to each task or global to the tasks in a partition, and, in the latter case, whether serialization should be automatically provided for concurrent operations on the default generator performed in different tasks. To do so would be likely to impose an unnecessary overhead on applications that do no tasking and require only a single generator. The mechanisms provided in the random number packages and elsewhere in the language, particularly protected types and the generic package Ada.Task_Attributes, are sufficient to allow the developer of an advanced application, or the designer of a secondary library, to provide these capabilities, if desired.)

State Information

A generator obviously has state information associated with it, which reflects the current position in the associated sequence of random numbers and provides the basis for the computation of the next random number in the sequence. To allow the implementation wide latitude in choosing appropriate algorithms for generating random numbers, and to enforce the abstraction of a generator, the Generator type is a private type; furthermore, to enforce the distinctness of different generators, the type is limited. The full type is implementation defined.

For convenience of use, we chose to make Random a function. Since its parameter must therefore be of mode in, the Generator type in practice has to be realized either as an access type or (if its storage is to be reclaimed through finalization on exit from the generator's scope) as a controlled type containing an access type.

Applications that use random numbers vary also in their requirements for repeatability as opposed to uniqueness of the sequence of random numbers. Repeatability is desired during development and testing but often not desired in operational mode when a unique sequence of random numbers is required in each run. To meet both of these needs, we have specified that each generator always starts in the same, fixed (but implementation-defined) state, providing repeatable sequences by default, and we have provided several operations on generators that can be used to alter the state of a generator.

Calling the Reset procedure on a generator without specifying any other parameter sets the state to a time-dependent value in an implementation-dependent way.

The Reset procedure can also be used to ensure that task-local generators yield different, but repeatable, sequences. Note that by default, the fixed initial state of generators will result in all such generators yielding the same sequence. This is probably not what is desired. We considered specifying that each generator should have a unique initial state, but there is no realistic way to provide for the desired repeatability across different runs, given that the nondeterministic nature of task interactions could result in the "same" tasks (in some logical sense) being created in a different order in different runs.

Assuming that each task has a generator, different-but-repeatable sequences in different tasks are achieved by invoking the Reset procedure with an integer Initiator parameter on each generator prior to generating random numbers. The programmer typically must provide integer values uniquely associated with each task's logical function, independent of the order in which the tasks are created. The specified semantics of Reset are such that each distinct integer initiator value will initiate a sequence that will not overlap any other sequence in a practical sense, if the period of a generator is long enough to permit that. At the very least, consecutive integers should result in very different states, so that the resulting sequences will not simply be offset in time by one element or a small number of elements.

Saving the State

Most applications will have no need for capabilities beyond those already described. A small number of applications may have the need to save the current state of a generator and restore it at a later time, perhaps in a different run. This can be done by calling the Save procedure and another overloading of the procedure Reset. The state is saved in a variable of the private type State.

As was said earlier, the realization of the internal state of a generator is implementation defined, so as to foster the widest possible innovation in the design of generators and generation algorithms. The state is thus private and might be represented by a single integer or floating point value, or it might be represented by an array of integer or floating point values together with a few auxiliary values, such as indices into the array.

Internal generator states can be exported to a variable of the type State, saved in a file, and restored in a later run, all without knowing the representation of the type.

We also provide an Image function, which reversibly converts a value of type State to one of type String in an implementation-defined way, perhaps as a concatenation of one or more integer images separated by appropriate delimiters. The maximum length of the string obtained from the Image function is given by the named number Max_Image_Width; images of states can be manipulated conveniently in strings of this maximum length obtained by the use of Ada.Strings.Bounded. Using Save and Image, one can examine (a representation of) the current internal state for debugging purposes; one might use these subprograms in an interactive debugger, with no advanced planning, to make a pencilled note of the current state with the intention of typing it back in later. This does not require knowledge of the mapping between states and strings.

The inverse operation, Value, converts the string representation of an internal state back into a value of type State, which can then be imported into a generator by calling the Reset procedure. This pair of subprograms supports, without knowledge of the mapping between states and strings, the restoration of a state saved in the form of a string. Of couse if one does know the implementation's mapping of strings to states, then one can use Value and Reset to create arbitrary internal states for experimentation purposes. If passed a string that cannot be interpreted as the image of a state, Value raises Constraint_Error. This is the only time that the possibly expensive operation of state validation is required; it is not required every time Random is called, nor even when resetting a generator from a state.

We considered an alternative design, perhaps closer to the norm for random number generators, in which Random is a procedure that acts directly on the state, the latter being held in storage provided by the user. There would be no need for the Save and Reset (from-saved-state) procedures in this design, since the generator and state types would effectively be one and the same. The only real problem with this design is that it necessitates making Random a procedure, which would interfere with the programmer's ability to compose clear and meaningful expressions.

Of course, most simple applications will have no need to concern themselves with the State type: no need to declare variables of type State, and no need to call Save or Reset with a state parameter.

Statistical Considerations

The result subtype of the Random function in Float_Random is a subtype of Float with a range of 0.0 .. 1.0. The subtype is called Uniformly_Distributed to emphasize that a large set of random numbers obtained from this function will exhibit an (approximately) uniform distribution. It is the only distribution provided because it is the most frequently required distribution and because other distributions can be built on top of a uniform distribution using well-known techniques. In the case of Discrete_Random, it does not really make sense to consider other than uniform distributions.

No provision is made for obtaining floating point random numbers with a precision other than that of Float. One reason is that applications typically do not have a need either for extremely precise random floating point numbers (those with a very fine granularity) or for random floating point numbers with several different precisions. Assuming that they are to be used as real numbers, and not converted to integers, the precision of a set of random floating point numbers generally does not matter unless an immense quantity of them are to be consumed. High precision random floating point numbers would be needed if they were to be converted to integers in some very wide range, but the provision of Discrete_Random makes that unnecessary. A second reason for providing random floating point numbers only with the precision of Float, and especially for not providing them with a precision of the user's choice, is that algorithms for random number generation are often tied to the use of particular hardware representations, which essentially dictates the precision obtained.

Nothing is said about the number of distinct values between 0.0 and 1.0 that must be (capable of being) delivered by the Random function in Float_Random. Indeed, in the spirit of not requiring guaranteed numerical performance unless the Numerics Annex is implemented, the specification of Float_Random says nothing about the quality of the result obtained from Random, except that a large number of such results must appear to be approximately uniformly distributed. On the other hand, the Numerics Annex specifies the minimum period of the generation algorithm, a wide range of statistical tests that must be satisfied by that algorithm, and the resolution of the time-dependent Reset function. In implementations in which Float corresponds to the hardware's double- precision type, the floating point random number algorithm can be based on the use of single-precision hardware, and can coerce the single- precision results to double precision at the final step, provided that the statistical tests are satisfied, which is perfectly feasible.

Details of the statistical tests, which are adapted from [Knuth 81] and other sources, are provided in an annotation in the [AARM]. The tests applicable to the floating point random number generator facility all exploit the floating point nature of the random numbers directly; they do not convert the numbers to integers. Different tests are applicable to the discrete random number generator.

In the rare case that random floating point numbers of higher precision (finer granularity) than that of Float are needed, the user should obtain them by suitably combining two or more successive results from Random. For example, two successive values might be used to provide the high-order and the low-order parts of a higher-precision result.

Guaranteeing that all the values in a wide integer range will eventually be generated is, in general, rather difficult and so is not required for the discrete generator. Nevertheless, some guarantee of this nature is desirable for more modest ranges. We thus require that if the range of the subtype has 2**15 or fewer values then each value of the range will be delivered in a finite number of calls. This coverage requirement is in the specification of Discrete_Random in the Predefined Language Environment Annex; because it so directly affects the usability of the discrete random number generator facility, it was not thought appropriate to relegate the coverage requirement to the (optional) Numerics Annex. It is practical to verify by testing that the coverage requirement is satisfied for ranges up to this size, but it is not practical to verify the same for significantly wider ranges; for that matter, only a very long-running application could detect that a wide integer range is not being completely covered by the random numbers that are generated. Satisfying the coverage requirement is easily achieved by an underlying floating point algorithm, even one implemented in single precision, that converts its intermediate floating point result to the integer result subtype by appropriate use of scaling and type conversion.

The modest requirement discussed above does not completely eliminate all the difficulty in implementing Discrete_Random. Even the straightforward scaling and conversion technique faces mundane problems when the size of the integer range exceeds Integer'Last. Note that the size of the range of the predefined subtype Integer exceeds Integer'Last by about a factor of two, so that an instantiation of Discrete_Random for that predefined subtype will have to confront certain mundane problems, even if it does not purport to cover that range completely. These implementation burdens could have been eliminated by imposing restrictions on the (size of the ranges of the) subtypes with which Discrete_Random could be instantiated, but such restrictions are inimical to the spirit of Ada.

Of course, implementations of Discrete_Random need not be based on an underlying floating point algorithm, and indeed, as has already been said, part of the justification for providing this package separately from Float_Random has to do with the efficiency gains that can be realized when the former is implemented in terms of an underlying integer algorithm, with no use of floating point at all. Nevertheless, it may be convenient and sufficiently efficient for the discrete generator facility to be implemented in terms of a floating point algorithm. There are implementations of the venerable multiplicative linear congruential generator with multiplier 7**5 and modulus 2**31-1 of [Lewis 69] and both the add-with-carry and subtract-with-borrow Fibonacci generators of [Marsaglia 91] that remain entirely within the floating point domain, and which therefore pay no premium for conversion from integer to floating point. These algorithms have been verified to pass the statistical requirements of the Numerics Annex. (Other algorithms that might be expected to pass, but that have not been explicitly tested, include the combination generators of [Wichmann 82] and [L'Ecuyer 88] and the x**2 mod N generators of [Blum 86]; each of the algorithms mentioned here has much to recommend it.)

A.3.3 Attributes of Real Types

Most of the attributes of floating and fixed point types are defined in the Predefined Language Environment Annex. These attributes are discussed elsewhere in this Rationale (see 6.2).

A.4 Input-Output

Enhancements to input-output include a facility for heterogeneous streams, additional flexibility for Text_IO, and further file manipulation capabilities.

A.4.1 Stream Input and Output

The packages Sequential_IO and Direct_IO have not proved to be sufficiently flexible for some applications because they only process homogeneous files. Even so this is fairly liberal in the case of Sequential_IO which now has the form

      type Element_Type(<>) is private;
   package Ada.Sequential_IO is ...
since the actual parameter can be any indefinite type and hence can be a class-wide type. This does not apply to Direct_IO which can only take a definite type as a parameter because of the need to index individual elements.

In order to provide greater flexibility, totally heterogeneous streams can be processed using the new package Streams [RM95 13.13] and several child packages [RM95 A.12].

The general idea is that there is a stream associated with any file declared using the package Ada.Streams.Stream_IO. Such a file may be processed sequentially using the stream mechanism and also in a positional manner similar to Direct_IO. We will consider the stream process first and return to positional use later.

The package Streams.Stream_IO enables a file to be created, opened and closed in the usual manner. Moreover, there is also a function Stream which takes a stream file and returns (an access to) the stream associated with the file. In outline the first part of the package is

   package Ada.Streams.Stream_IO is
      type Stream_Access is access all Root_Stream_Type'Class;
      type File_Type is limited private;
      -- Create, Open, ...
      function Stream(File: in File_Type) return Stream_Access;
   end Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

Observe that all streams are derived from the abstract type Streams.Root_Stream_Type and access to a stream is typically through an access parameter designating an object of the type Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class. We will return to the package Streams and the abstract type Root_Stream_Type in a moment.

Sequential processing of streams is performed using attributes T'Read, T'Write, T'Input and T'Output. These attributes are predefined for all nonlimited types. The user can replace them by providing an attribute definition clause and can also define such attributes explicitly for limited types. This gives the user fine control over the processing when necessary. The attributes T'Read and T'Write will be considered first; T'Input and T'Output (which are especially relevant to indefinite subtypes) will be considered later.

The attributes Read and Write take parameters denoting the stream and the element of type T thus

   procedure T'Write(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                     Item   : in T);

   procedure T'Read(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                    Item   : out T);

As a simple example, suppose we wish to write a mixture of integers, month names and dates where type Date might be

   type Date is
         Day   : Integer;
         Month : Month_Name;
         Year  : Integer;
      end record;

We first create a file using the normal techniques and then obtain an access to the associated stream. We can then invoke the Write attribute procedure on the values to be written to the stream. We have

   use Streams.Stream_IO;
   Mixed_File : File_Type;
   S          : Stream_Access;
   S := Stream(Mixed_File);
   Date'Write(S, Some_Date);
   Integer'Write(S, Some_Integer);
   Month_Name'Write(S, This_Month);

Note that Streams.Stream_IO is not a generic package and so does not have to be instantiated; all such heterogeneous files are of the same type. Note also that they are binary files. A file written in this way can be read back in a similar manner, but of course if we attempt to read things with the inappropriate subprogram then we will get a funny value or Data_Error.

In the case of a simple record such as Date the predefined Write attribute simply calls the attributes for the components in order. So conceptually we have

   procedure Date'Write(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                        Item   : in Date) is
      Integer'Write(Stream, Item.Day);
      Month_Name'Write(Stream, Item.Month);
      Integer'Write(Stream, Item.Year);

We can supply our own version of Write. Suppose for some reason that we wished to output the month name in a date as the corresponding integer; we could write

   procedure Date_Write(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                        Item   : in Date) is
      Integer'Write(Stream, Item.Day);
      Integer'Write(Stream, Month_Name'Pos(Item.Month) + 1);
      Integer'Write(Stream, Item.Year);
   end Date_Write;

   for Date'Write use Date_Write;
and then the statement
   Date'Write(S, Some_Date);
will use the new format for the output of dates. Similar facilities apply to input and indeed if we wish to read the dates back in we would need to declare the complementary version of Date'Read to read the month as an integer and convert to the appropriate value of Month_Name.

Note that we have only changed the output of months in dates, if we wish to change the format of all months then rather than redefining Date'Write we could simply redefine Month_Name'Write and this would naturally have the indirect effect of also changing the output of dates.

Note carefully that the predefined attributes T'Read and T'Write can only be overridden by an attribute definition clause in the same package specification or declarative part where T is declared (just like any representation item). As a consequence these predefined attributes cannot be changed for the predefined types. But they can be changed for types derived from them.

The situation is slightly more complex in the case of arrays, and also records with discriminants, since we have to take account of the "dope" information represented by the bounds and discriminants. (In the case of a discriminant with defaults, the discriminant is treated as an ordinary component.) This is done using the additional attributes Input and Output. The general idea is that Input and Output process dope information (if any) and then call Read and Write to process the rest of the value. Their profiles are

   procedure T'Output(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                      Item   : in T);

   function T'Input(Stream: access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class)
       return T;

Note that Input is a function since T may be indefinite and we may not know the constraints for a particular call.

Thus in the case of an array the procedure Output outputs the bounds of the value and then calls Write to output the value itself.

In the case of a record type with discriminants, if it has defaults (is definite) then Output simply calls Write which treats the discriminants as just other components. If there are no defaults then Output first outputs the discriminants and then calls Write to process the remainder of the record. As an example consider the case of a definite subtype of a type whose first subtype is indefinite such as

   subtype String_6 is String(1 .. 6);
   S: String_6 := "String";
   String_6'Output(S);      -- outputs bounds
   String_6'Write(S);       -- does not output bounds

Note that the attributes Output and Write belong to the types and so it is immaterial whether we write String_6'Write or String'Write.

The above description of T'Input and T'Output applies to the default attributes. They could be redefined to do anything and not necessarily call T'Read and T'Write. Note moreover that Input and Output also exist for definite subtypes; their defaults just call Read and Write.

There are also attributes T'Class'Output and T'Class'Input for dealing with class-wide types. For output, the external representation of the tag (see [RM95 3.9]) is output and then the procedure Output for the specific type is called (by dispatching) in order to output the specific value (which in turn will call Write). Similarly on input, the tag is first read and then, according to its value, the corresponding function Input is called by dispatching. For completeness, T'Class'Read (T'Class'Write) is defined to dispatch to the subprogram denoted by the Read (respectively, Write) attribute of the specific type identified by the tag.

The general principle is, of course, that whatever is written can then be read back in again by the appropriate reverse operation.

We now return to a consideration of the underlying structure. All streams are derived from the abstract type Streams.Root_Stream_Type which has two abstract operations, Read and Write thus

   procedure Read(Stream : in out Root_Stream_Type;
                  Item   : out Stream_Element_Array;
                  Last   : out Stream_Element_Offset) is abstract;

   procedure Write(Stream : in out Root_Stream_Type;
                   Item   : in Stream_Element_Array) is abstract;

These work in terms of stream elements rather than individual typed values. Note the difference between stream elements and storage elements (the latter being used for the control of storage pools which was discussed in 13.4). Storage elements concern internal storage whereas stream elements concern external information and are thus appropriate across a distributed system.

The predefined Read and Write attributes use the operations Read and Write of the associated stream, and the user could define new values for the attributes in the same way. Note, however, that the parameter Stream of the root type is of the type Root_Stream_Type whereas that of the attribute is an access type denoting the corresponding class. So any such user-defined attribute will have to do an appropriate dereference thus

   procedure My_Write(Stream : access Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
                      Item   : T) is
      ... -- convert value into stream elements
      Streams.Write(Stream.all, ...);  -- dispatches
   end My_Write;

We conclude by remarking that Stream_IO can also be used for indexed access. This is possible because the file is structured as a sequence of stream elements. Indexing then works in terms of stream elements much as Direct_IO works in terms of the typed elements. Thus the index can be read and reset. The procedures Read and Write process from the current value of the index and there is also an alternative Read that starts at a specified value of the index. The procedures Read and Write (which take a file as parameter) correspond precisely to the dispatching operations of the associated stream.

A.4.2 Text_IO

The main changes to Ada.Text_IO are the addition of internal generic packages Modular_IO (similar to Integer_IO) and Decimal_IO (similar to Fixed_IO).

There is also a completely distinct package Ada.Wide_Text_IO which provides identical facilities to Ada.Text_IO except that it works in terms of the types Wide_Character and Wide_String rather than Character and String. Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO declare distinct file types.

Both Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO have a child package Editing defined in the Information Systems Annex. This provides specialized facilities for the output of decimal values controlled by picture formats; for details see F.1. Similarly both packages have a child Complex_IO defined in the Numerics Annex; see G.1.3.

Small but important changes to Text_IO are the addition of subprograms Look_Ahead, Get_Immediate and Flush. The procedure Look_Ahead enables the next character to be determined without removing it and thereby enables the user to write procedures with similar behavior to predefined Get on numeric and enumeration types. The procedure Get_Immediate removes a single character from the file and bypasses any buffering that might otherwise be used; it is designed for interactive use. A call of Flush causes the remainder of any partly processed output buffer to be output.

A minor point is that the procedures Get for real types accept a literal in more liberal formats than in Ada 83. Leading and trailing zeros before or after the point are no longer required and indeed the point itself can be omitted. Thus the following are all acceptable forms for input for real types:

whereas in Ada 83 only the first two were acceptable. This is in some respects an incompatibility since a form such as .567 would cause Data_Error to be raised in Ada 83. However, the main advantage is interoperability with other languages; data produced by Fortran programs can then be processed directly. Furthermore, the allowed formats are in accordance with ISO 6093:1985 which defines language independent formats for the textual representation of floating point numbers.

There are also nongeneric equivalents to Integer_IO and Float_IO for each of the predefined types Integer, Long_Integer, Float, Long_Float and so on. These have names such as Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO, and Ada.Float_Text_IO. Observe that they are not child packages of Ada.Text_IO but direct children of Ada, thus allowing the names to be kept reasonably short.

A major reason for introducing these nongeneric equivalents was to facilitate teaching Ada to new users. Experience with teaching Ada 83 has shown that fundamental input-output was unnecessarily complicated by the reliance on generics, which gave the language an air of difficulty. So rather than writing

   with Ada.Text_IO;
   procedure Example is
      package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer);
      use Int_IO;
      N: Integer;
   end Example;
one can now perform simple output without needing to instantiate a generic
   with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
   procedure Example is
      N: Integer;
   end Example;

Another advantage of the nongeneric equivalents is that the user does not have to worry about an appropriate name for the instantiated version (and indeed fret over whether it might also be called Integer_IO without confusion with the generic version, or some other name such as we chose above). Having standard names also promotes portability since many vendors had provided such nongeneric equivalents but with different names.

Note carefully that these packages are said to be nongeneric equivalents rather than preinstantiated versions. This is so that implementations can use special efficient techniques not possible in the generic versions. A minor consequence is that the nongeneric equivalents cannot be used as actual package parameters corresponding to the generic package. Thus we cannot use Ada.Integer_Text_IO as an actual parameter to

      with package P is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO;
   package Q is ...

Similar nongeneric equivalents apply to the generic packages for elementary functions, complex types and complex elementary functions, see A.3.1 and G.1.

Finally, it is possible to treat a Text_IO file as a stream and hence to use the stream facilities of the previous section with text files. This is done by calling the function Stream in the child package Text_IO.Text_Streams. This function takes a Text_IO file as parameter and returns an access to the corresponding stream. It is then possible to intermix binary and text input-output and to use the current file mechanism with streams.

A.4.3 File Manipulation

The Ada 83 package Sequential_IO did not make provision for appending data to the end of an existing file. As a consequence implementations provided a variety of solutions using pragmas and the form parameter and so on. In Ada 95 we have overcome this lack of portability by adding a further literal Append_File to the type File_Mode for Sequential_IO and Text_IO. It also exists for Stream_IO but not for Direct_IO.

The concept of a current error file for Text_IO is introduced, plus subprograms Standard_Error, Current_Error and Set_Error by analogy with the similar subprograms for current input and current output. The function Standard_Error returns the standard error file for the system. On some systems standard error and standard output might be the same.

Error files are a convenience for the user; the ability to switch error files in a similar manner to the default output file enables the user to keep the real output distinct from error messages in a portable manner.

A problem with the Ada 83 subprograms for manipulating the current files is that it is not possible to store the current value for later use because the file type is limited private. As mentioned in 7.3, it is possible to temporarily "hang on" to the current value by the use of renaming thus

   Old_File: File_Type renames Current_Output;
   ... -- set and use a different file
and thus permits some other file to be used and then the preexisting environment to be restored afterwards. This works because the result of a function call is treated like an object and can then be renamed. However, this technique does not permit a file value to be stored in an arbitrary way.

In order to overcome this difficulty, further overloadings of the various functions are introduced which manipulate an access value which can then be stored. Thus

   type File_Access is access constant File_Type;
   function Current_Input  return File_Access;
   function Current_Output return File_Access;
   function Current_Error  return File_Access;
and similarly for Standard_Input and so on. Additional procedures for setting the values are not required. We can then write
   procedure P(...) is
      New_File     : File_Type;
      Old_File_Ref : constant File_Access := Current_Output;
      Open(New_File, ...);
      -- use the new file
   end P;

More sophisticated file manipulation is also possible. We could for example have an array or linked list of input files and then concatenate them for output. As another example, a utility program for pre- processing text files could handle nested "include"s by maintaining a stack of File_Access values.

Making the access type an access to constant prevents passing the reference to subprograms with in out parameters and thus prevents problems such as might arise from calling Close on Current_Input.

A.5 Command Line

The package Ada.Command_Line provides an Ada program with a simple means of accessing any arguments of the command which invoked it. The package also enables the program to set a return status. Clearly the interpretation and implementation of these facilities depends very much on the underlying operating system.

The function Command_Name returns (as a string) the command that invoked the Ada program and the function Argument_Count returns the number of arguments associated with the command. The function Argument takes an integer and returns the corresponding individual command argument also as a string.

The exit status can be set by a call of Set_Exit_Status which takes an integer parameter.

An alternative scheme based on using the parameters and results of the Ada main subprogram as the command arguments and exit status was rejected for a number of reasons. The main reason was that the start and end of the main subprogram are not the start and end of the execution of the Ada program as a whole; elaboration of library packages occurs before and might want access to command arguments and similarly, library tasks can outlive the main subprogram and might want to set the exit status.

A.6 Requirements Summary

The study topic

     S10.4-A(1) - Varying-length String Package
is met by the bounded and unbounded-length string packages, and the study topic
     S10.4-A(2) - String Manipulation Functions
is met in part by the string handling packages.

The requirement

     R11.1-A(1) - Standard Mathematics Packages
is met by the generic elementary functions and random number packages.

The somewhat general requirement

     R4.6-B(1) - Additional Input/Output Functions
calls for additional capability. In particular it suggests that there should be a standard way to append data to an existing file and the ability to have heterogeneous files. These specific requirements (and others) have been met as we have seen. Moreover the requirement
     R4.6-A(1) - Interactive TEXT_IO
is specifically addressed by the introduction of the subprograms Get_Immediate, Look_Ahead and Flush; see A.4.2.

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Laurent Guerby