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Section 3: Declarations and Types -- TOC

This section describes the types in the language and the rules for declaring constants, variables, and named numbers.

Clauses and Subclauses

  1. Declarations
  2. Types and Subtypes -- TOC
    1. Type Declarations
    2. Subtype Declarations
    3. Classification of Operations
  3. Objects and Named Numbers -- TOC
    1. Object Declarations
    2. Number Declarations
  4. Derived Types and Classes -- TOC
    1. Derivation Classes
  5. Scalar Types -- TOC
    1. Enumeration Types
    2. Character Types
    3. Boolean Types
    4. Integer Types
    5. Operations of Discrete Types
    6. Real Types
    7. Floating Point Types
    8. Operations of Floating Point Types
    9. Fixed Point Types
    10. Operations of Fixed Point Types
  6. Array Types -- TOC
    1. Index Constraints and Discrete Ranges
    2. Operations of Array Types
    3. String Types
  7. Discriminants -- TOC
    1. Discriminant Constraints
    2. Operations of Discriminated Types
  8. Record Types -- TOC
    1. Variant Parts and Discrete Choices
  9. Tagged Types and Type Extensions -- TOC
    1. Type Extensions
    2. Dispatching Operations of Tagged Types
    3. Abstract Types and Subprograms
  10. Access Types -- TOC
    1. Incomplete Type Declarations
    2. Operations of Access Types
  11. Declarative Parts -- TOC
    1. Completions of Declarations

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