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8.5 Renaming Declarations -- TOC

A renaming_declaration declares another name for an entity, such as an object, exception, package, subprogram, entry, or generic unit. Alternatively, a subprogram_renaming_declaration can be the completion of a previous subprogram_declaration.
       renaming_declaration ::=
           | exception_renaming_declaration
           | package_renaming_declaration
           | subprogram_renaming_declaration
           | generic_renaming_declaration
Dynamic Semantics
The elaboration of a renaming_declaration evaluates the name that follows the reserved word renames and thereby determines the view and entity denoted by this name (the renamed view and renamed entity). A name that denotes the renaming_declaration denotes (a new view of) the renamed entity.

          subtype Mode is Ada.Text_IO.File_Mode;


  1. Object Renaming Declarations
  2. Exception Renaming Declarations
  3. Package Renaming Declarations
  4. Subprogram Renaming Declarations
  5. Generic Renaming Declarations

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