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9.4 Protected Units and Protected Objects

A protected object provides coordinated access to shared data, through calls on its visible protected operations, which can be protected subprograms or protected entries. A protected unit is declared by a protected declaration, which has a corresponding protected_body. A protected declaration may be a protected_type_declaration, in which case it declares a named protected type; alternatively, it may be a single_protected_declaration, in which case it defines an anonymous protected type, as well as declaring a named protected object of that type.
       protected_type_declaration ::=
         protected type defining_identifier [known_discriminant_part] is protected_definition;
       single_protected_declaration ::=
         protected defining_identifier is protected_definition;
       protected_definition ::=
           { protected_operation_declaration }
       [ private
           { protected_element_declaration } ]
         end [protected_identifier]
       protected_operation_declaration ::= subprogram_declaration
            | entry_declaration
            | representation_clause
       protected_element_declaration ::= protected_operation_declaration
            | component_declaration
       protected_body ::=
         protected body defining_identifier is
          { protected_operation_item }
         end [protected_identifier];
       protected_operation_item ::= subprogram_declaration
            | subprogram_body
            | entry_body
            | representation_clause
Legality Rules
A protected declaration requires a completion, which shall be a protected_body, and every protected_body shall be the completion of some protected declaration.
Static Semantics
A protected_definition defines a protected type and its first subtype. The list of protected_operation_declarations of a protected_definition, together with the known_discriminant_part, if any, is called the visible part of the protected unit. The optional list of protected_element_declarations after the reserved word private is called the private part of the protected unit.
Dynamic Semantics
The elaboration of a protected declaration elaborates the protected_definition. The elaboration of a single_protected_declaration also creates an object of an (anonymous) protected type.
The elaboration of a protected_definition creates the protected type and its first subtype; it also includes the elaboration of the component_declarations and protected_operation_declarations in the given order.
As part of the initialization of a protected object, any per-object constraints (see 3.8) are elaborated.
The elaboration of a protected_body has no other effect than to establish that protected operations of the type can from then on be called without failing the Elaboration_Check.
The content of an object of a given protected type includes:
The execution resource associated with a protected object has to be acquired to read or update any components of the protected object; it can be acquired (as part of a protected action -- see 9.5.1) either for concurrent read-only access, or for exclusive read-write access.
As the first step of the finalization of a protected object, each call remaining on any entry queue of the object is removed from its queue and Program_Error is raised at the place of the corresponding entry_call_statement.

Example of declaration of protected type and corresponding body:
       protected type Resource is
          entry Seize;
          procedure Release;
          Busy : Boolean := False;
       end Resource;
       protected body Resource is
          entry Seize when not Busy is
             Busy := True;
          end Seize;
          procedure Release is
             Busy := False;
          end Release;
       end Resource;
Example of a single protected declaration and corresponding body:
       protected Shared_Array is
          --  Index, Item, and Item_Array are global types
          function  Component    (N : in Index) return Item;
          procedure Set_Component(N : in Index; E : in  Item);
          Table : Item_Array(Index) := (others => Null_Item);
       end Shared_Array;
       protected body Shared_Array is
          function Component(N : in Index) return Item is
             return Table(N);
          end Component;
          procedure Set_Component(N : in Index; E : in Item) is
             Table(N) := E;
          end Set_Component;
       end Shared_Array;
Examples of protected objects:
       Control  : Resource;
       Flags    : array(1 .. 100) of Resource;

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