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H.3.1 Pragma Reviewable

This pragma directs the implementation to provide information to facilitate analysis and review of a program's object code, in particular to allow determination of execution time and storage usage and to identify the correspondence between the source and object programs.
         pragma Reviewable;
Post-Compilation Rules
Pragma Reviewable is a configuration pragma. It applies to all compilation_units included in a partition.
Implementation Requirements
The implementation shall provide the following information for any compilation unit to which such a pragma applies:
The implementation shall provide the following information for any partition to which the pragma applies:

The implementation shall provide control- and data-flow information, both within each compilation unit and across the compilation units of the partition.
Implementation Advice
The implementation should provide the above information in both a human-readable and machine-readable form, and should document the latter so as to ease further processing by automated tools.
Object code listings should be provided both in a symbolic format and also in an appropriate numeric format (such as hexadecimal or octal).


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